health tips

Effective Ways to Clear Phlegm and Mucus from the Chest and Throat

Are phlegm and mucus the same thing? Phlegm is usually found in the back of the throat or in the lungs, and originates from the lower respiratory tract, while mucus is usually found in the nasal mucosa and acts as a filter to protect the lungs during inhalation. Mucus can be removed by blowing your nose, while phlegm, which is thicker and more viscous, is observed when coughing and can be a symptom of respiratory diseases such as bronchitis.

The formation of mucus and phlegm is a natural process that helps protect the body’s cells and trap irritants and bacteria in the throat, sinuses and lungs. When bacteria or viruses overcome the body’s natural defenses, it produces more phlegm. While most people’s excess mucus and phlegm clear up without problems, in some cases, excess mucus can build up in the bronchi, making the lungs more susceptible to infection, which can lead to conditions like bronchiectasis and cystic fibrosis. Coughing is the body’s way of getting rid of this substance.

It is worth noting that mucus in its natural quantities acts as a filter for bacteria, especially since the lungs are highly susceptible to infection. While mucus can be swallowed safely, phlegm must be expelled from the body, often by coughing.

Excess phlegm may cause coughing, which can be more noticeable at night due to the effects of gravity. Elevating your sleeping position with a pillow can help reduce this problem. Coughing is the body’s natural way to get rid of phlegm and aid in the healing process.

In certain cases, it is important to seek medical care. The NHS recommends that you get immediate medical attention if you cough up blood. They also recommend visiting your general practitioner if your cough persists for more than 3 weeks, gets worse quickly, is accompanied by chest pain, unexplained weight loss, swelling in the neck and pain in the side (swollen glands), increased difficulty breathing, or if Your immune system is compromised due to conditions such as diabetes or chemotherapy.

There are medications such as expectorants that can be used to increase bronchial secretions and provide relief from coughing, but a drug-free alternative is the POWERbreathe Shaker, an effective hand-held device that helps loosen and expel phlegm.

For natural remedies to treat phlegm, using a POWERbreathe shaker can be helpful. This device, without the use of medications, uses a weighted ball to create a vibration that expels and loosens phlegm, making it easier to cough up and eliminate naturally.

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